2014-02-26 00:55:57 UTC
So, I was combing the internet on how to implement the elusive%postname%
permalink for a custom post type. I know that it can be done without a
performance hit now but I was running into issues on how to implement it.
Everything I tried either didn't work or worked but screwed up permalinks
for pages. I think I have a solution but I wanted to run it by a few
people to make sure I don't inadvertantly cause any issues:
Basically, I've found that the reason post name permalinks are so tricky is
that WordPress doesn't know what post type to use. Any rewrite I did would
override page's rewrite or cause WP_Query to default to post. So, after
much problems and testing, I did 3 things:
1. I set the post type in question to have rewrite set to false
2. Used add_permastruct to create the post name permastructure so WP can
create the permalink
3. (the part I'm worried about) used the parse_query to resolve the
conflict issue:
$post_name = $query->get( 'name' );
$post_type = $query->get( 'post_type' );
if( ! empty( $post_name ) && empty( $post_type ) ) {
$query->set( 'post_type', array( 'post', 'page', 'custom_post_type' ) );
So basically, if name is set and post type isn't set, set the post type to
post, page and the custom post type.
My question is can anyone with greater knowledge than I to the inner
workings of WP, think of any unforeseen side effects to doing it this way?
So far it seems fine to me; doesn't screw up pages or my custom post type.
Only thing tht might be a problem if there is a post of another post type
with the same name, but I'm not sure how WP handles duplicate post names of
different post types.
Thank you for any comments!
permalink for a custom post type. I know that it can be done without a
performance hit now but I was running into issues on how to implement it.
Everything I tried either didn't work or worked but screwed up permalinks
for pages. I think I have a solution but I wanted to run it by a few
people to make sure I don't inadvertantly cause any issues:
Basically, I've found that the reason post name permalinks are so tricky is
that WordPress doesn't know what post type to use. Any rewrite I did would
override page's rewrite or cause WP_Query to default to post. So, after
much problems and testing, I did 3 things:
1. I set the post type in question to have rewrite set to false
2. Used add_permastruct to create the post name permastructure so WP can
create the permalink
3. (the part I'm worried about) used the parse_query to resolve the
conflict issue:
$post_name = $query->get( 'name' );
$post_type = $query->get( 'post_type' );
if( ! empty( $post_name ) && empty( $post_type ) ) {
$query->set( 'post_type', array( 'post', 'page', 'custom_post_type' ) );
So basically, if name is set and post type isn't set, set the post type to
post, page and the custom post type.
My question is can anyone with greater knowledge than I to the inner
workings of WP, think of any unforeseen side effects to doing it this way?
So far it seems fine to me; doesn't screw up pages or my custom post type.
Only thing tht might be a problem if there is a post of another post type
with the same name, but I'm not sure how WP handles duplicate post names of
different post types.
Thank you for any comments!