Quincy Kwende
2014-02-27 20:23:06 UTC
I'm a student looking forward to take part in GSoC 2014. I would love to
take part in the Form / Survey Plugin; "This project would focus on
creating a forms/surveys plugin based on the needs of the community
outreach team to support WordCamps and Meetups. "
I haven't been active in the WordPress development community before, but
I'm very interested to one day become a core contributor to the WordPress
project. As part of the requirements to take part in GSoC 2014, I have
written a WordPress Plugin called "Quote me".
Quote me displays a quote rotator and the admin is able to add, edit and
delete Quotes. When Quote me is install, the first time a visitor lands on
your site, she sees a Quote Rotator and she can choose to opt out. When the
visitor lands on the Quote, Quote me sets a session and the visitor won't
see the quote Rotator again until her session expires. I got my
inspiration for Quote me from Forbes.com. When you visit Forbes for the
first time, Forbes first display a "Thought of the day" before redirecting
to the page you are requesting. I did some modifications in my version; For
instance, I display several quotes (Quote Ratator). You can find Quote me
at https://github.com/quincykwende/quote-me. Also, I just submitted Quote
me for review.
For the Form / Survey Plugin, here is a summary of my User Requirements:
- Users (admin privilege) would be able to manage forms / surveys (add,
edit, delete).
- Users (admin privilege) would be able to set a variety of question
types / form item; Multiple choice with check boxes, Multiple choice with
radio button, Multiple choice to select from a drop down, Multiple choice
for multiple select from a drop down, Single and multiple file upload,
Regular questions with input field and or text-area for answers
- Users (admin privilege) would be able to easily add question types and
do basic theming on the forms (use jQuery to add new form item). (Similar
to Google Forms)
- Users (admin privilege) would be able to place form any where on their
site, For instance on a page, post
- Users would be able to invite their contacts, colleagues and or
friends to participate in surveys.
- Users would be able to share their forms / surveys via Google+,
Facebook, Twitter etc.
- Users (admin privilege) would be able view basic reporting / analytics
of surveys (system shall display statistics and analysis using
Highercharts; http://www.highcharts.com/ )
I would be glad, if I can get advice and more ideas on the above project in
order to have an awesome plugin.
Quincy Kwende
Co-founder at Wasamundi <http://wasamundi.com>
Mobile: +23775598106
twitter: quincy_k
gtalk: quincykwende
skype: quincy.kwende
fb: www.facebook.com/quincy.kwende
I'm a student looking forward to take part in GSoC 2014. I would love to
take part in the Form / Survey Plugin; "This project would focus on
creating a forms/surveys plugin based on the needs of the community
outreach team to support WordCamps and Meetups. "
I haven't been active in the WordPress development community before, but
I'm very interested to one day become a core contributor to the WordPress
project. As part of the requirements to take part in GSoC 2014, I have
written a WordPress Plugin called "Quote me".
Quote me displays a quote rotator and the admin is able to add, edit and
delete Quotes. When Quote me is install, the first time a visitor lands on
your site, she sees a Quote Rotator and she can choose to opt out. When the
visitor lands on the Quote, Quote me sets a session and the visitor won't
see the quote Rotator again until her session expires. I got my
inspiration for Quote me from Forbes.com. When you visit Forbes for the
first time, Forbes first display a "Thought of the day" before redirecting
to the page you are requesting. I did some modifications in my version; For
instance, I display several quotes (Quote Ratator). You can find Quote me
at https://github.com/quincykwende/quote-me. Also, I just submitted Quote
me for review.
For the Form / Survey Plugin, here is a summary of my User Requirements:
- Users (admin privilege) would be able to manage forms / surveys (add,
edit, delete).
- Users (admin privilege) would be able to set a variety of question
types / form item; Multiple choice with check boxes, Multiple choice with
radio button, Multiple choice to select from a drop down, Multiple choice
for multiple select from a drop down, Single and multiple file upload,
Regular questions with input field and or text-area for answers
- Users (admin privilege) would be able to easily add question types and
do basic theming on the forms (use jQuery to add new form item). (Similar
to Google Forms)
- Users (admin privilege) would be able to place form any where on their
site, For instance on a page, post
- Users would be able to invite their contacts, colleagues and or
friends to participate in surveys.
- Users would be able to share their forms / surveys via Google+,
Facebook, Twitter etc.
- Users (admin privilege) would be able view basic reporting / analytics
of surveys (system shall display statistics and analysis using
Highercharts; http://www.highcharts.com/ )
I would be glad, if I can get advice and more ideas on the above project in
order to have an awesome plugin.
Quincy Kwende
Co-founder at Wasamundi <http://wasamundi.com>
Mobile: +23775598106
twitter: quincy_k
gtalk: quincykwende
skype: quincy.kwende
fb: www.facebook.com/quincy.kwende
Quincy Kwende
Co-founder at Wasamundi <http://wasamundi.com>
Mobile: +23775598106
twitter: quincy_k
gtalk: quincykwende
skype: quincy.kwende
fb: www.facebook.com/quincy.kwende
Quincy Kwende
Co-founder at Wasamundi <http://wasamundi.com>
Mobile: +23775598106
twitter: quincy_k
gtalk: quincykwende
skype: quincy.kwende
fb: www.facebook.com/quincy.kwende