Including Sidebar Content via Conditionals Within Same File
2013-08-15 20:18:19 UTC
I have been working at this for an hour, and hoping someone here can chime in
and solve it quick for me. Calling left sidebar, and I would like to have
the sidebar determine what content to show based on the post tag. This is
what I have;

/<?php global $post;
$tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID);
foreach ($tags as $tag);{
$tag_name = $tag->name;}
$end = $tag_name;

<php if $end = 'help';
return '

<div class="widget">
Help Gallery

<div class="widget-inner">
<?php echo do_shortcode('[ngg_images gallery_ids="1"
display_type="photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails"]'); ?>
</div> '; ?>
<?php endif; ?>/

I did this with three items, but it shows all of them on every page so I
assume I am using the include statament wrong. I am still learning php, but
I think maybe I should be using the phpDOM function? Not entirely sure, but
definitely confused how to make this work. I just need the sidebar to match
the post tage name ($end) to the correct section of the file and return it.

Any help greatly appreciated!

View this message in context: http://wordpress-hackers.1065353.n5.nabble.com/Including-Sidebar-Content-via-Conditionals-Within-Same-File-tp42060.html
Sent from the Wordpress Hackers mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2013-08-15 20:38:47 UTC
Don't mean to burst your bubble but there are multiple issues with this. Here are some to consider:

Whenever you use if, if/else, for, foreach, etc. putting a ; at the end of the line terminates it. So, essentially both your foreach and if statements don't do anything and then the code that follows is executed devoid of any logic. The correct syntax would be foreach($tags as $tag){… and if ($end = 'help') return...
When testing a variable, saying for example $end = 'help' will just do an assignment and return the value that was assigned which in 99% of the cases will evaluate to true. So even if your if statement was correct, it would always execute because you are using assignment by = instead of comparison by ==. The correct syntax would be $end == 'help'
Even if your foreach was written correctly (as above), you are only using the last value by saying $end=$tag_name. At that point, just remove the loop and say $end = $tags[count($tags)-1] if you just want the last element. If you want to check each element, your whole code block has to be refactored
You are using a mixture of return and echo and I'm pretty sure you only want to use one of them. If this is executing inside of a filter function there is a good chance that both return and echo will render in more or less the same place but that doesn't mean to mix them, stick to the better practice of return in case someone wants to further filter your thing down the pipe or something.
Overall, I have a feeling you are not very experienced with coding but you made a good attempt so don't be discouraged by my previous comments! I'd say try to work on the issues above and if you can't figure it out I'll take a look at your first email and see if I can help you out.

Cheers! Don't hate me.

P.S. An hour is *nothing* for coding. Don't be discouraged.

Post by BenderisGreat
I have been working at this for an hour, and hoping someone here can chime in
and solve it quick for me. Calling left sidebar, and I would like to have
the sidebar determine what content to show based on the post tag. This is
what I have;
/<?php global $post;
$tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID);
foreach ($tags as $tag);{
$tag_name = $tag->name;}
$end = $tag_name;
<php if $end = 'help';
return '
<div class="widget">
Help Gallery
<div class="widget-inner">
<?php echo do_shortcode('[ngg_images gallery_ids="1"
display_type="photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails"]'); ?>
</div> '; ?>
<?php endif; ?>/
I did this with three items, but it shows all of them on every page so I
assume I am using the include statament wrong. I am still learning php, but
I think maybe I should be using the phpDOM function? Not entirely sure, but
definitely confused how to make this work. I just need the sidebar to match
the post tage name ($end) to the correct section of the file and return it.
Any help greatly appreciated!
View this message in context: http://wordpress-hackers.1065353.n5.nabble.com/Including-Sidebar-Content-via-Conditionals-Within-Same-File-tp42060.html
Sent from the Wordpress Hackers mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Gregory Lancaster
2013-08-15 21:12:28 UTC
Ouch, that stings. You are right I am new to PHP. I am still completing a
class and since I enojy it, I thought I would try and move ahead to code
some things on my own. The = was a mistake, I know == is the correct
syntax. The post tags code is what I used in my sidebar previously and I
thought it was applicable. Is what I am trying to do even possible?
Post by Dobri
Don't mean to burst your bubble but there are multiple issues with this.
Whenever you use if, if/else, for, foreach, etc. putting a ; at the end of
the line terminates it. So, essentially both your foreach and if statements
don't do anything and then the code that follows is executed devoid of any
logic. The correct syntax would be foreach($tags as $tag){… and if ($end =
'help') return...
When testing a variable, saying for example $end = 'help' will just do an
assignment and return the value that was assigned which in 99% of the cases
will evaluate to true. So even if your if statement was correct, it would
always execute because you are using assignment by = instead of comparison
by ==. The correct syntax would be $end == 'help'
Even if your foreach was written correctly (as above), you are only using
the last value by saying $end=$tag_name. At that point, just remove the
loop and say $end = $tags[count($tags)-1] if you just want the last
element. If you want to check each element, your whole code block has to be
You are using a mixture of return and echo and I'm pretty sure you only
want to use one of them. If this is executing inside of a filter function
there is a good chance that both return and echo will render in more or
less the same place but that doesn't mean to mix them, stick to the better
practice of return in case someone wants to further filter your thing down
the pipe or something.
Overall, I have a feeling you are not very experienced with coding but you
made a good attempt so don't be discouraged by my previous comments! I'd
say try to work on the issues above and if you can't figure it out I'll
take a look at your first email and see if I can help you out.
Cheers! Don't hate me.
P.S. An hour is *nothing* for coding. Don't be discouraged.
Post by BenderisGreat
I have been working at this for an hour, and hoping someone here can
chime in
Post by BenderisGreat
and solve it quick for me. Calling left sidebar, and I would like to
Post by BenderisGreat
the sidebar determine what content to show based on the post tag. This
Post by BenderisGreat
what I have;
/<?php global $post;
$tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID);
foreach ($tags as $tag);{
$tag_name = $tag->name;}
$end = $tag_name;
<php if $end = 'help';
return '
<div class="widget">
Help Gallery
<div class="widget-inner">
<?php echo do_shortcode('[ngg_images gallery_ids="1"
display_type="photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails"]'); ?>
</div> '; ?>
<?php endif; ?>/
I did this with three items, but it shows all of them on every page so I
assume I am using the include statament wrong. I am still learning php,
Post by BenderisGreat
I think maybe I should be using the phpDOM function? Not entirely sure,
Post by BenderisGreat
definitely confused how to make this work. I just need the sidebar to
Post by BenderisGreat
the post tage name ($end) to the correct section of the file and return
Post by BenderisGreat
Any help greatly appreciated!
Post by BenderisGreat
Sent from the Wordpress Hackers mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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wp-hackers mailing list
Chris Olbekson
2013-08-16 01:15:25 UTC

What you are trying to do is possible. Just a suggestion here:

In your call to wp_get_post_tags add a field argument to just get the tag slugs. Instead of going through the loop just use the in_array() function. I would use the slug for any comparison so you don't have to worry about issues with capital letters and spacing.

global $post;
$tags = wp_get_post_tags( $post->ID, array( 'fields' => 'slug' ) );

<div class="widget">
<div class="widget-inner">
if ( in_array( 'help', $tags ) ) {
echo do_shortcode( '[ngg_images gallery_ids="1" display_type="photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails"]' );

} elseif ( in_array( 'some-other-tag', $tags ) ) {
echo do_shortcode( '[some_other_shortcode]' );

Using your logic the $end variable will be equal to the last tag in the loop.

Good luck and I hope this helps.
Post by Gregory Lancaster
Ouch, that stings. You are right I am new to PHP. I am still completing a
class and since I enojy it, I thought I would try and move ahead to code
some things on my own. The = was a mistake, I know == is the correct
syntax. The post tags code is what I used in my sidebar previously and I
thought it was applicable. Is what I am trying to do even possible?
Post by Dobri
Don't mean to burst your bubble but there are multiple issues with this.
Whenever you use if, if/else, for, foreach, etc. putting a ; at the end of
the line terminates it. So, essentially both your foreach and if statements
don't do anything and then the code that follows is executed devoid of any
logic. The correct syntax would be foreach($tags as $tag){… and if ($end =
'help') return...
When testing a variable, saying for example $end = 'help' will just do an
assignment and return the value that was assigned which in 99% of the cases
will evaluate to true. So even if your if statement was correct, it would
always execute because you are using assignment by = instead of comparison
by ==. The correct syntax would be $end == 'help'
Even if your foreach was written correctly (as above), you are only using
the last value by saying $end=$tag_name. At that point, just remove the
loop and say $end = $tags[count($tags)-1] if you just want the last
element. If you want to check each element, your whole code block has to be
You are using a mixture of return and echo and I'm pretty sure you only
want to use one of them. If this is executing inside of a filter function
there is a good chance that both return and echo will render in more or
less the same place but that doesn't mean to mix them, stick to the better
practice of return in case someone wants to further filter your thing down
the pipe or something.
Overall, I have a feeling you are not very experienced with coding but you
made a good attempt so don't be discouraged by my previous comments! I'd
say try to work on the issues above and if you can't figure it out I'll
take a look at your first email and see if I can help you out.
Cheers! Don't hate me.
P.S. An hour is *nothing* for coding. Don't be discouraged.
Post by BenderisGreat
I have been working at this for an hour, and hoping someone here can
chime in
Post by BenderisGreat
and solve it quick for me. Calling left sidebar, and I would like to
Post by BenderisGreat
the sidebar determine what content to show based on the post tag. This
Post by BenderisGreat
what I have;
/<?php global $post;
$tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID);
foreach ($tags as $tag);{
$tag_name = $tag->name;}
$end = $tag_name;
<php if $end = 'help';
return '
<div class="widget">
Help Gallery
<div class="widget-inner">
<?php echo do_shortcode('[ngg_images gallery_ids="1"
display_type="photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails"]'); ?>
</div> '; ?>
<?php endif; ?>/
I did this with three items, but it shows all of them on every page so I
assume I am using the include statament wrong. I am still learning php,
Post by BenderisGreat
I think maybe I should be using the phpDOM function? Not entirely sure,
Post by BenderisGreat
definitely confused how to make this work. I just need the sidebar to
Post by BenderisGreat
the post tage name ($end) to the correct section of the file and return
Post by BenderisGreat
Any help greatly appreciated!
Post by BenderisGreat
Sent from the Wordpress Hackers mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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