Page slug for page template
Roberto Sanchez
2014-06-20 14:05:12 UTC
I want to set a page slug that applies to pages with a specific template.
For example, say I have a template named Case Study in case-study.php. When
I add a new Case Study page and assign to it the Case Study template, I
want the permalink of the page to now include case-study in the slug, like
this: http://example.com/case-study/q1-2014.

I would appreciate any tips on how to get this done. Thanks.
Nikola Nikolov
2014-06-20 14:12:12 UTC
Not a complete answer on the original question, but I'd just suggest that
you use a Custom Post Type
<http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_post_type> for the
job. There you can set the rewrite slug option to "case-study" and that
will make any posts from that post type have the correct permalink.

Post by Roberto Sanchez
I want to set a page slug that applies to pages with a specific template.
For example, say I have a template named Case Study in case-study.php. When
I add a new Case Study page and assign to it the Case Study template, I
want the permalink of the page to now include case-study in the slug, like
this: http://example.com/case-study/q1-2014.
I would appreciate any tips on how to get this done. Thanks.
wp-hackers mailing list
Eric Hendrix
2014-06-20 14:37:09 UTC
Difficult situation since you're trying to get your slug to include a
directory followed by the post slug. I'm stumped.
Post by Nikola Nikolov
Not a complete answer on the original question, but I'd just suggest that
you use a Custom Post Type
<http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_post_type> for the
job. There you can set the rewrite slug option to "case-study" and that
will make any posts from that post type have the correct permalink.
On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 5:05 PM, Roberto Sanchez <
Post by Roberto Sanchez
I want to set a page slug that applies to pages with a specific template.
For example, say I have a template named Case Study in case-study.php.
Post by Roberto Sanchez
I add a new Case Study page and assign to it the Case Study template, I
want the permalink of the page to now include case-study in the slug,
Post by Roberto Sanchez
this: http://example.com/case-study/q1-2014.
I would appreciate any tips on how to get this done. Thanks.
wp-hackers mailing list
wp-hackers mailing list
*Eric A. HendrixUSA, MSG(R)****@gmail.com
(910) 644-8940

*"Non Timebo Mala"*
Nikola Nikolov
2014-06-20 14:48:56 UTC
Alternatively have a parent page called Case Study? What you're trying to
do in the way you're trying to achieve it is if not impossible, then very
very difficult and there's no point in making your life that hard :)
Post by Eric Hendrix
Difficult situation since you're trying to get your slug to include a
directory followed by the post slug. I'm stumped.
Post by Nikola Nikolov
Not a complete answer on the original question, but I'd just suggest that
you use a Custom Post Type
<http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_post_type> for
Post by Nikola Nikolov
job. There you can set the rewrite slug option to "case-study" and that
will make any posts from that post type have the correct permalink.
On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 5:05 PM, Roberto Sanchez <
Post by Roberto Sanchez
I want to set a page slug that applies to pages with a specific
Post by Nikola Nikolov
Post by Roberto Sanchez
For example, say I have a template named Case Study in case-study.php.
Post by Roberto Sanchez
I add a new Case Study page and assign to it the Case Study template, I
want the permalink of the page to now include case-study in the slug,
Post by Roberto Sanchez
this: http://example.com/case-study/q1-2014.
I would appreciate any tips on how to get this done. Thanks.
wp-hackers mailing list
wp-hackers mailing list
(910) 644-8940
*"Non Timebo Mala"*
wp-hackers mailing list
Eric Hendrix
2014-06-20 14:58:32 UTC
Parent page is the correct term - thanks Nikola. Is there any way you'd
settle for a slug prefaced with your template name?
Post by Nikola Nikolov
Alternatively have a parent page called Case Study? What you're trying to
do in the way you're trying to achieve it is if not impossible, then very
very difficult and there's no point in making your life that hard :)
Post by Eric Hendrix
Difficult situation since you're trying to get your slug to include a
directory followed by the post slug. I'm stumped.
Post by Nikola Nikolov
Not a complete answer on the original question, but I'd just suggest
Post by Eric Hendrix
Post by Nikola Nikolov
you use a Custom Post Type
<http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_post_type> for
Post by Nikola Nikolov
job. There you can set the rewrite slug option to "case-study" and that
will make any posts from that post type have the correct permalink.
On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 5:05 PM, Roberto Sanchez <
Post by Roberto Sanchez
I want to set a page slug that applies to pages with a specific
Post by Nikola Nikolov
Post by Roberto Sanchez
For example, say I have a template named Case Study in
Post by Eric Hendrix
Post by Nikola Nikolov
Post by Roberto Sanchez
I add a new Case Study page and assign to it the Case Study
template, I
Post by Eric Hendrix
Post by Nikola Nikolov
Post by Roberto Sanchez
want the permalink of the page to now include case-study in the slug,
Post by Roberto Sanchez
this: http://example.com/case-study/q1-2014.
I would appreciate any tips on how to get this done. Thanks.
wp-hackers mailing list
wp-hackers mailing list
(910) 644-8940
*"Non Timebo Mala"*
wp-hackers mailing list
wp-hackers mailing list
*Eric A. HendrixUSA, MSG(R)****@gmail.com
(910) 644-8940

*"Non Timebo Mala"*
Paul Menard
2014-06-20 16:38:12 UTC
Actually this is totally do able. You just attach a rewrite rule to a page
URL. I've done this before. The trick is to NOT have any child pages off
that parent. So for what you want you can have the default page template
associated with the /case-study/ page slug. If no query_var for the
'q1-2014, q3-1999, etc is not provided your template can just default to
some latest var and redirect.

The difficult page is that you are not going to be able to do this via the
template itself. You need to add the hooks to the theme functions.php so it
loads before the page template is called.

Let me dig up me code and provide a clean example.

Post by Eric Hendrix
Parent page is the correct term - thanks Nikola. Is there any way you'd
settle for a slug prefaced with your template name?
Post by Nikola Nikolov
Alternatively have a parent page called Case Study? What you're trying to
do in the way you're trying to achieve it is if not impossible, then very
very difficult and there's no point in making your life that hard :)
Post by Eric Hendrix
Difficult situation since you're trying to get your slug to include a
directory followed by the post slug. I'm stumped.
On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 10:12 AM, Nikola Nikolov <
Post by Nikola Nikolov
Not a complete answer on the original question, but I'd just suggest
Post by Eric Hendrix
Post by Nikola Nikolov
you use a Custom Post Type
Post by Nikola Nikolov
Post by Eric Hendrix
Post by Nikola Nikolov
job. There you can set the rewrite slug option to "case-study" and
Post by Nikola Nikolov
Post by Eric Hendrix
Post by Nikola Nikolov
will make any posts from that post type have the correct permalink.
On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 5:05 PM, Roberto Sanchez <
Post by Roberto Sanchez
I want to set a page slug that applies to pages with a specific
Post by Nikola Nikolov
Post by Roberto Sanchez
For example, say I have a template named Case Study in
Post by Eric Hendrix
Post by Nikola Nikolov
Post by Roberto Sanchez
I add a new Case Study page and assign to it the Case Study
template, I
Post by Eric Hendrix
Post by Nikola Nikolov
Post by Roberto Sanchez
want the permalink of the page to now include case-study in the
Post by Nikola Nikolov
Post by Eric Hendrix
Post by Nikola Nikolov
Post by Roberto Sanchez
this: http://example.com/case-study/q1-2014.
I would appreciate any tips on how to get this done. Thanks.
wp-hackers mailing list
wp-hackers mailing list
(910) 644-8940
*"Non Timebo Mala"*
wp-hackers mailing list
wp-hackers mailing list
(910) 644-8940
*"Non Timebo Mala"*
wp-hackers mailing list
Roberto Sanchez
2014-06-20 16:52:49 UTC
Hi all,

Thank you for your suggestions. I decided to follow Nikola's advice
and just use a custom post type instead. It was the easiest option
that worked for me.

Thanks again!
