Eric Andrew Lewis
2013-12-28 19:50:20 UTC
Came up with something weird today, thought I would share.
A development version of a theme in a `themes/{theme-name}-dev`, which has a ton of development specific assets. Sass, uncompiled JS, documentation, Gruntfile, AI/PSD versions of images) to keep everything organized.
All these assets build into a production version of the theme (`/themes/{theme-name}-theme`) via a grunt task, which includes only assets required to run the production version of the theme.
This limits exposure of some files that may need privacy while keeping everything in one location for development.
A development version of a theme in a `themes/{theme-name}-dev`, which has a ton of development specific assets. Sass, uncompiled JS, documentation, Gruntfile, AI/PSD versions of images) to keep everything organized.
All these assets build into a production version of the theme (`/themes/{theme-name}-theme`) via a grunt task, which includes only assets required to run the production version of the theme.
This limits exposure of some files that may need privacy while keeping everything in one location for development.
Eric Andrew Lewis
Eric Andrew Lewis