Well, had to start somewhere :)
The story: I'm not familiar with Wordpress but needed a quick way to store
the data so found some suggestion about custom fields, so I used that
featured and made some changes to the theme. And then someone suggested to
promote our project http://www.inspiration-for-success.com/ by publishing
plugins. And then first our mailer plugin was developed and then I converted
my theme changes into a plugin :)
So yes, any better way of course I will consider. Thanks for the
My main issue now is testing and having bugs reported. You guys have any
clue how to get that?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Hogg" <***@brianhogg.ca>
To: <wp-***@lists.automattic.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2013 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: [wp-hackers] Turn on custom fields from plugin
Post by Brian HoggI think what Marko was hinting was to use a custom meta box instead, which
would allow you to provide a nicer user experience vs. showing all custom
On 2013-08-07, at 7:54 AM, "Guus \(IFS\)"
Post by Guus (IFS)Thanks. I think that's just the answer I needed.
http://wordpress.org/plugins/ifs-seo-simple/ to set the title tag, meta
description tag and meta keywords tag and got feedback that it was not
clear where to put the data (and that could still use some more
explanation and screendumps...).
----- Original Message ----- From: "Marko Heijnen"
Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2013 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: [wp-hackers] Turn on custom fields from plugin
Post by Marko HeijnenSee http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_post_type_support.
Also why enabling something like that? It doesn't really provide a good
user experience.
Op 7 aug. 2013, om 12:57 heeft "Guus \(IFS\)"
Post by Guus (IFS)Hi,
I am looking for a way to turn on the visibility of custom fields
through my plugin. Google search didn't give me a quick answer to this.
Is there a 'legal' way to turn on this option for a (or all) users?
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