I think I'm going to follow Nikola's idea. And I'll be sure to share the results back here when I'm done.
Post by Nikola NikolovWhat I feel like you're aiming for is parsing php files and finding any
un-translated strings in there.
The plugin that I regularly use in order to edit/create .po/.mo files -
http://wordpress.org/plugins/codestyling-localization/ - does something
similar, except for it only looks for translated strings. My recommendation
would be to take a look at it's code(more specifically the
"/includes/class.parser.php" file -
and try to adjust it to ignore any strings that have already been
translated and collect the ones that haven't.
I think that code is a good place to start and you can probably do that
with just a simple file in the beginning and then move on to series of
files in a plugin/theme.
Good luck with that and I'd like to know when you get it done :)
Post by J.D. GrimesPost by Shea BungeYou can try the Pig Latin <http://wordpress.org/plugins/piglatin/>
Post by Shea Bungethat displays all translatable strings as Pig
This way, all untranslated strings stick out.
Others might laugh, but this is pretty standard practice.
Others prefer an encheferizer.
$empty_string = function() { return ''; };
foreach ( array( 'gettext', 'ngettext' ) as $filter ) {
add_filter( $filter, $empty_string );
add_filter( $filter . '_with_context', $empty_string );
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