I don't understand why you require anything more than 64 characters. It
would be *nice to have*, but it's not a requirement.
Post by Haluk KarameteNow giving it a second thought, and considering what Morgan has brought
into the picture on this very quesition, doing this at a plug-in activation
time does not sound to me as good of an idea as it did an hour ago. :)
If it's gonna take that much of time, then every time WP updates, ( and as
part of this update, all plugins are automatically deactivated and then
re-activated ) a nd as a result of this, some users will experience such
slowness, and my plug in would be the one causing that, it's hard for me to
take that route... See what I mean?
I think if that code were to be planted in the wp-config.php file instead,
then that would have been better.
At wp-config, and every time it runs ( meaning at each page load), a
constant can be probed to see if it is defined or not.
If that constant is defined, I can drive the fact that the option names
has already been upped to varchar(128).
What say you?
Post by J.D. GrimesThis is something that you need to change in the database table’s schema
directly. So you need to run a single ALTER TABLE query. You don’t want
Post by J.D. Grimesbe running this every page load. If this is part of a plugin, you should
Post by J.D. Grimesit on activation.
Also, see https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/13310
Post by Haluk KarameteIs there a harm to change the options table so that the field names for
Post by Haluk Karametetransients can have varchar 128 as opposed to varchar 64 and if
Post by J.D. GrimesPost by Haluk Karameteokay, what's the best way to do this?
In other words, what would be the best or the earliest hook for this
Post by Haluk Karameteof s change? Or should this be done at wp-config?
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