How do you debug a plugin in production when you don't have server access?
2014-01-23 12:14:04 UTC
Being a plugin developer, I encounter the following problem very often - sadly I am yet to find a stable resolution.

Every hosting provider has their own PHP build with different extensions and restrictions.
Every now and then a user would send a message saying that my plugin doesn't work for them.
Most of the users are not tech savvy and the most they could do is browse their WordPress Dashboard and perform point and click operations in the UI.
I find that asking for access to user's server is out of their comfort zone and only one every 5 or 6 users is willing to do that.
I added a feedback form which ships with the plugin and when the user submits a feedback (likely about a problem with the plugin) I submit data about their server configuration along with their message to zendesk. The form include a checkbox where I tell the users what is going to happen when they submit this feedback form.
The problem here is that knowing their server configuration is not always enough.
How do you debug your plugins and are there any hidden WordPress gems that could be used by WordPress plugin developers?
Nikola Nikolov
2014-01-23 12:57:07 UTC
Are you also sending a list of the enabled plugins and themes? Sometimes a
conflict between plugins can be the cause for that, so it's good to know
that configuration.

Also depending on your plugin, you might want to attach a var_export() of
your plugin's settings.

These are the only things I can think of, besides information about PHP and
the server - obviously if you rely on a specific extension(like the GD
library), you can also include information about that extension - is it
enabled, which version it is, etc.
Post by s***@gmail.com
Being a plugin developer, I encounter the following problem very often -
sadly I am yet to find a stable resolution.
Every hosting provider has their own PHP build with different extensions and restrictions.
Every now and then a user would send a message saying that my plugin doesn't work for them.
Most of the users are not tech savvy and the most they could do is browse
their WordPress Dashboard and perform point and click operations in the UI.
I find that asking for access to user's server is out of their comfort
zone and only one every 5 or 6 users is willing to do that.
I added a feedback form which ships with the plugin and when the user
submits a feedback (likely about a problem with the plugin) I submit data
about their server configuration along with their message to zendesk. The
form include a checkbox where I tell the users what is going to happen when
they submit this feedback form.
The problem here is that knowing their server configuration is not always enough.
How do you debug your plugins and are there any hidden WordPress gems that
could be used by WordPress plugin developers?
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