Action called when a comment is marked as spam?
David Anderson
2014-09-12 09:12:26 UTC

I'm looking at collecting IP information on my servers for IP addresses
that send comment spam.

Looking in the hooks database at http://adambrown.info/p/wp_hooks and
with some Googling, it looks like the comment_post action is the best
place to hook. I'd then need to check the comment status (see if it's
spam), and that's about it. If I understand rightly, all plugins (like
Akismet) that can mark a comment as spam, will have done their work by
this point.

Does that sound right?

Many thanks,
UpdraftPlus - best WordPress backups - http://updraftplus.com
WordShell - WordPress fast from the CLI - http://wordshell.net
Per Søderlind
2014-09-12 10:46:52 UTC
Hi David,

You can get this information from $wpdb->comments. In my plugin, http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-denyhost/, I do:

$suspect = $this->get_IP();
$count = (int) $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(comment_ID) FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_approved = 'spam' AND comment_author_IP = '%s'",$suspect) );


Per Søderlind
I'm looking at collecting IP information on my servers for IP addresses that send comment spam.
Looking in the hooks database at http://adambrown.info/p/wp_hooks and with some Googling, it looks like the comment_post action is the best place to hook. I'd then need to check the comment status (see if it's spam), and that's about it. If I understand rightly, all plugins (like Akismet) that can mark a comment as spam, will have done their work by this point.
Does that sound right?
Many thanks,
UpdraftPlus - best WordPress backups - http://updraftplus.com
WordShell - WordPress fast from the CLI - http://wordshell.net
wp-hackers mailing list
David Anderson
2014-09-12 12:07:19 UTC
Hi Per,

It's real-time tracking across a large number of aggregated sites that
I'm looking at. I use a PHP file that is invoked via auto_prepend_file
on every site on the server, to hook relevant actions. This saves the
effort and performance cost of manual scanning of WP installs and tables
(and of maintaining plugins on every single site). So, it's the best
hook that I'm really interested in.

Best wishes,
UpdraftPlus - best WordPress backups - http://updraftplus.com
WordShell - WordPress fast from the CLI - http://wordshell.net