Conference for non-profit oriented wordpress hackers (CiviCRM)
Michael McAndrew
2013-09-20 11:05:03 UTC
Hi wordpress hackers,

I hope this is a suitable channel for this info - let me know if not.

We have a CiviCRM conference coming up in London, UK in a couple of weeks (3rd and 4th October) and I thought those of you in the area might be interested in attending.

CiviCRM is an open-source online CRM aimed at non profits that integrates with Wordpress out of the box to provide a website CRM tailored for non profits.

Our Wordpress integration is about two years old now and has been seeing lots of traction amongst orgs with Wordpress sites looking for a CRM.

The conference is a great way to learn about what you can do with CiviCRM and we have a couple of sessions on Wordpress integration lined up.

Here's the conference website in case you are interested: http://london2013.civicrm.org/

Thanks for reading - happy to answer any questions.

Michael McAndrew

tel: 020 7183 5828 (UK)
mob: 07817 802299 (UK)
skype: michaelmcandrew
